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Ugh chemo... but half way, yay!

Well, that's cycle no.3 and a fairly typical chemo day for me (apart from the nurse 'popped' my vein when she first tried to put the cannula in, but we'll gloss over that!). A delightful evening of intense nausea although thankfully it wasn't as bad as last time. Last time I actually wretched like I was gonna be sick but this time it didn't come to that; just lots of burping and shuddering (lush!) and the usual sitting on the bathroom floor crying; felt better after a sob. My friend told me that drinking lots of water helps so I made sure I did that last night, every time I felt particularly bad I just kept sipping water and it did help. Also, took my evening anti-sickness tablet as soon as I got home rather than after I started feeling sick which was better. Would definitely recommend doing both of those things.

Feel okay this morning, a little nauseas but downed all the anti-sickness meds and then decided to have a ham and mozzarella toasted sandwich and a packet of crisps for breakfast; steroids make me hungry! (which is a good thing).

As well as the side effect update, the other reason I wanted to blog this morning is to talk about mindset. Let's be honest, chemo is shite but it's doing a good thing, even though that's hard to believe sometimes. For anyone that is going through chemo or due to have it, my key piece of advice is 'acceptance'. The more you try to resist what is happening to you and what you are going through, the more anxious you will be and no doubt struggle to deal with things. When you are diagnosed with cancer, there is a tendency to just want to run away. No one would choose a life of tests, operations and endless medical treatment but the sooner you accept that this will be life for the time being, the easier it is to deal with; well, in my case anyway. I know everyone's prognosis is different and I would hate to offend anyone by trying to over simplify this, but I do believe it helps to be accepting of your life situation. If there are practical things you can do to improve it, then do them. For example, I'm the sort of person that hates to take tablets so I didn't like the idea of having steroids and anti-sickness meds after chemo but sometimes you just have to suck it up and get on with it. Take the tablets, they give you them for a reason. Don't suffer without them. Same with work; I hated having to take time out of work. I felt like my whole world was turned upside down and I was really low for quite a while but then I realised that this is just my situation at the moment, it won't be forever and I just have to make the most of this time to get myself better. After the last cycle, I realised I can still spend time with friends and there are still practical, fulfilling things I can do. My friend came round the other day to teach me calligraphy lettering and I loved it; was instantly addicted! It's really therapeutic and I would definitely recommend it, especially if you are remotely arty or creative. I still have hopes and dreams and make plans; even if they are not very exciting plans (like clearing out the garage or organising the photo albums!). My point is, you can still have a life with cancer and chemo. It may not be the life you chose but it is a life and it can be fulfilling. The main thing is to go easy on yourself and enjoy the times when you are feeling well.

Anyway, hope this helps and please do get in contact if you would like to talk.

Me and my lovely friend, Emma yesterday (I'm on the left ;) just jokin' obvs!) Big thanks to Emma for teaching me how to do Sudoku (even though I didn't have the patience to finish the puzzle we started) and for 'letting' me find the remaining words on the wordsearch! Love you mate and so proud of you too, you know why x

well, you gotta have some fun with it... everything looks pretty in calligraphy, even chemo!

lovely bracelet from my bro and his girlfriend, Edina (chosen by Edina all the way from Hungary) - love this!! has real moonstones which are supposed to be good for positive energy, did not take this off last night, thanks so much you guys x

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